Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cloud Classrooms - Next Big Thing In Education

I chose this article/blog because it deals with education and technology.  It even goes so far to say that a lot of educators are still very uncomfortable about technology in the classroom.  It deals with the now famous or infamous Cloud.  That thing that cannot be seen, but can connect everything and everyone from anywhere faster than ever before.  “Cloud computing has a lot to offer to schools and colleges – from simplifying administration and admission processes to enabling faster information access and easier communication.”  The article gives a few examples that are being used now like Mobile Classrooms and Distance Learning, but eludes to the nearly infinite amount of possibilities in the not so distant future.


Thorne, L. (2013, November 12). Cloud Classrooms - Next Big Thing In Education - Tech Bytes EDU [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.techbytesedu.com/2/post/2013/11/cloud-classrooms-next-big-thing-in-education.html


  1. Hi Marty,

    I enjoyed viewing the article that you picked because although I am comfortable with technology, I am certainly not at ease with saving information to the cloud. It’s not that I have lost anything of great detail yet in fact it’s probably more likely one would have a hard drive failure than the cloud losing a file. I just don’t like not knowing where my information is going and I still have trust issues about it.

    Our school district rolled out its own purchased version of Google Docs and is requiring teachers to use it to store documents for PD, PLT documents ect. Google also donated some Chromebooks to our school media center for us to start using in the classroom. I haven’t really had much training on how to implement them or use them in the classroom so, I am a bit uneasy about it. However, I would really like to try to implement assignments to students that are cloud driven to allow for online collaboration on a digital document. This article was extremely interesting, thanks for sharing! - Chris

  2. Marty,

    I found this article very interesting. I am certainly "hooked" on the cloud. I find myself often bouncing between my smart phone, tablet, and laptops so frequently, that the cloud has offered opportunities to work from any device with ease. Most importantly, I have truly enjoyed being able to collaborate via the cloud. My music colleague is at my school only twice a week. By sharing files over the cloud, we are able to complete the needed tasks for the week without meeting face to face, which as we know, is convenient as our time is very valuable. I think as you begin to step into this new way of sharing, you too will really enjoy and value what the cloud has to offer!


  3. Hi Marty,

    Great article and highly relevant to this class and the current technology.

    I agree that many educators are uncomfortable with technology in the classrooms. I think some are scared, I think technology can be scary if you're unfamiliar with it. I think that's why I am enjoying this program so much, because it is familiarizing me so many different types of new technology that I can incorporate into my classroom.

    I also think we're creatures of habit and that plays a huge role in educators stalling to incorporate technology into their classrooms.


  4. Marty,

    You bring up a good point about educators still trying to get used to the whole technology idea in the classroom. Fraser Public Schools currently implemented iPads in the classrooms, and many teachers did not adjust very well and still are having a hard time with the great deal of technology involved in their lesson plans.

    Great article relating to schools now days! Thanks
